Why I'm Looking Forward to NECA - Anne Randall, Condoit VP // Customer Success
We have all been there: stuffy conferences, dull conferences, “who-the-heck organized this thing?” conferences. And as a female in a male-dominated space, my experiences have not always been, eh, comfortable.
I’ve had my fair share of the good and bad across 20 years of conference-going, so when I had the opportunity to go to NECA I did some research and talked to some folks.
Here is why I am EXCITED to go to NECA 2023:
Trades people are awesome.
This is not a suits event: it is a cargo pants event. The whole vibe will be casual and people are looking to make real connections. The conversations are engaging and to the point.
Most of all, I think people that work with their hands and heads all day are usually excited to share their stories and teach others. Making valuable connections is what trades people do and that excites me as a Customer Service lead.
I can learn a lot about the industry. The industry is seeing massive change (both positive & disruptive) with increased demand for EV chargers and solar power. I am excited to see how the industry will support the crazy demand for labor with a limited supply of qualified experts. New technologies are making their way onto the scene at rapid speed and I want to get my hands on it!
I know enough not to double-lug, but I did not grow up in this field. I saw my first single-line diagram when I joined Condoit, and was introduced to a whole new world. By connecting with like-minded professionals, I’ll be able to tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience. I’m truly looking forward to learning more about the world where my customers live every day.
People there are making a difference. If there is anything I have learned about electricians and EV professionals, they are true problem-solvers. They don’t just want to get the job done – they want to do it better than the person that taught them.
People at NECA will be talking about and exploring safer, cleaner, more efficient ways to do work. Most exciting for us Millennials – these solutions are good for the planet. The people at this conference will be the innovators, suppliers, and service that will make power in the US more sustainable and responsible.
Philly Food, Drinks & Scene.
Location matters. I pulled up a map and the NECA event is located in the heart of Philadelphia’s entertainment district. We will be able to walk to some of the city’s most popular pubs and historic dives. On my list is Fergie’s Pub, where we will be hanging out Saturday night ordering classic cheesesteak sandwiches with shots of Irish whiskey.
So, mark your calendars, folks! The NECA Annual Convention is where it’s at, and I’ll be there, eager to soak up every bit of information, inspiration, and camaraderie. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a fresh face like me, let’s come together, learn, grow, and pave the way for a brighter and more efficient electrical future.