Auto-drawing single line diagram

After spending hours in the field looking over the shoulder of our customers and talking about the features they need the most we’ve finally released this absolute behemoth group of updates to the Condoit tablet application. The improvements make the construction, utilization, and distribution of electrical system records more seamless than ever. 

This is the first and only product of its kind and we’re sprinting down the path to dramatically upgrade the tools available to electrical contractors and the construction and facilities management industries at large. Look out.

This is a big deal. 

We at Condoit believe there is absolutely no reason an electrician, trained to work in the real world with his or her hands, should ever have to spend even a moment sitting at a desk staring at a computer. If you wanted a desk job, you would have one. 

Condoit automates all the stuff done at a desk. You put in the information in our collection app in the field and we’ll build you a badass single line diagram you can be proud to send directly to customers. 

This high-resolution, highly-shareable single line shows all system equipment with details along with connections, raceways, and conductor sizes. Would you like to see something else on the single line? Tell us about it

Inside your Condoit application a tap on any piece of equipment takes you more granular details, notes, pictures, and more. 

Export your single line in an industry standard 30”x42” PDF for easy shareability to your team, boss, building management company. Condoit also works seamlessly with other softwares you may use like BlueBeam or Fieldwire. Do you have some software you’d like for us to interact with? Tell us about it here

Multiple pictures for each piece of equipment

How do you take pictures of equipment in the field? Most likely with your phone. But if you’re anything like the other 100 customers we’ve spoken to, identifying and organizing those pictures later is a nightmare. 

Say you spend a morning at a building doing a system survey and the afternoon at the supply house arguing with the sales guy about why it takes 6 months to get a switchboard. When you finally get back to the office the next day, can you remember which panel is which? Do you remember the order you took the pictures? Do you really? 

Condoit solved that problem. As you create, name, and enter details about equipment you can also add as many pictures as you want. These pictures will forever be associated with this piece of equipment, safe and backed-up in the cloud immediately. 

The camera roll on your phone should be reserved for pictures of your kids and your dog, not thousands of photos of electrical equipment. 

All your photos will show up automatically on system reports with that piece of equipment. It’s that easy. 

Data layer for more specific input and system health visualization

One thing we noticed in the field is that sometimes we were asking users to put in too much information for what they were doing at the moment. An electrician doesn’t need to measure the panel can or figure out the AIC rating of a breaker if he’s just putting together a single line diagram. 

The new Condoit layer system allows you to select what kind of collection you’re doing. All the fields you don’t need for that will disappear automatically. Later, if you need to do a full arc flash analysis, you can add the fields back and Condoit will tell you where you need to go to get the right info. Take the guesswork out of it. We’ve got you. 

We’ve also added the ability to show system code violations and maintenance issues at a glance. If you get rid of all of the notifications, The system health goes to 100%. More on that below. 

New reports available

The Condoit Report

The Condoit Report is a comprehensive gathering of everything we know about the system in an organized and standardized report. The Condoit report includes our world-class single line diagram along with every single piece of equipment, equipment pictures, equipment details, raceways, conductors, and system notes.  

System Health Check

The Condoit System Health Check is a proprietary evaluation of the general state of a particular system. After a collection is complete, Condoit will produce an easy to understand system health score and the path to improve that score by fixing reported code violations and maintenance issues. Condoit can even compare system health to the industry-standard health scores of similar systems. Current customers are using our Con.doit Health Check as a tool to better serve their clients. 

Massive improvements to the user interface

We’re constantly working to improve the customer user experience of our application. We get our direction for these improvements from our customers, watching the way they use it in the field and talking to them about what features and improvements they would like to see. What would you like to see in a data collection application? Tell us about it here. 

The elimination of dozens of extra equipment screens 

In order for you to want to use Condoit, it needs to be fast. That’s why we’ve been working with user experience professionals to optimize our application to collect the most information with the least number of clicks. In our most recent update we’ve reduced the number of clicks to install and describe raceway from 20 to 6 clicks. We’ve moved the functionality up in the experience so that you can do even more with far fewer pages to get lost in. 

Raceway sizing

While we were in the field we realized just how many raceways may be on the top of a piece of equipment. One switchboard at a hospital outside of Birmingham, Alabama had 30 raceways on top. We reduced the footprint of an added raceway on our system equipment so that you can put as many as you need to on a piece of equipment and it doesn’t seem cluttered or confusing. 

Switchboard overhaul

We’ve learned so much in the development process of this application. We had an original plan for switchboard input. It made great sense to us but when we saw you using it in the field we realized that the interface was cumbersome and confusing. We’ve overhauled switchboard input to look much more like the classic single line diagram we all know and love and the input takes less than half the time. 

Version 2.0 is available on the App Store now.